201 County Court Blvd, Unit 104, Brampton, ON L6W 4L2    905-450-0700    info@countycourtdentistry.com
201 County Court Blvd, Unit 104, Brampton, ON L6W 4L2

Scaling (Dental Cleaning)

Getting regular professional cleaning of your teeth relieves you of the discomfort associated with poor dental hygiene and health. Cavities can be caused by plaque and food retention around teeth. This causes acid production and enamel deterioration which results in cavities (caries). Gingivitis is another problem caused by poor oral health. Gingivitis is a gum disease that causes gum swelling, redness, and bleeding, especially during brushing or flossing. If gum disease worsens, it may result in tooth loss.

Brushing your teeth (and tongue) and flossing are the first steps in preventing bacteria accumulation. Dentists recommend brushing twice a day for at least 2 minutes each time, as well as flossing once a day. Brushing and flossing, on the other hand, are only part of the overall teeth cleaning routine that must be followed. Experts recommend that children have their first dental appointment by the age of three. From the time an appointment is made to the time the treatment is provided, each patient is treated with care. Our dental team will ask you specific questions about your concerns, previous dental history, and medication sensitivity or allergies. Children will be shown the various dental cleaning tools used and will be given rewards to encourage proper oral health maintenance to alleviate their fears.

Our team at County Court Dentistry look to help you and your family to continue to have healthy teeth by advising correct oral hygiene practices and dealing with any dental issues that may arise. Our goals are to not only execute proper cleaning techniques, but educate on how to continue to keep your teeth healthy on a day-to-day basis.